心配・お見舞いの英語の例文(友人・恋人・プライベート) -2

英語例文:If you are getting bored and want someone to chat with, just drop me a line!


英語例文:I miss you so much! Hope you will be released from hospital soon.

日本語翻訳文:あえなくてとても寂しいよ! 早く退院できるといいね。

英語例文:Sorry if I am wrong, but you look like feeling a bit down recently. I'm just wondering if there is anything I could do for you.


英語例文:I'm so glad to hear you have been released from hospital! Please continue to take care until you are fully recovered.


英語例文:I was so shocked to hear about your unfortunate accident. Hope your pain will be soothed quickly!


英語例文:I'm sorry to hear your father is ill. You may be busy taking care of him, but please do look after yourself as well.



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